U Hotel

Designed By

Alex, Ann, and Steve

Location and Goal

This Project is located at 460 King Street building.

Our objective was to create a hotel that would capture the attention of both tourists and locals while paying tribute to the building's historical significance and reflecting Toronto's cultural heritage.

In addition to serving as a landmark and hotel, we aimed to seamlessly integrate the hotel into the building's historical culture, providing guests with an engaging and immersive experience highlighting the city's unique character.



Concept Model


Concept Statement

  • We carefully incorporated historical and architectural elements throughout the hotel to accomplish this. Our iconic symbol is the "U" shape, composed of the historical building and two additional tall buildings, forming a U shape.
  • Height was also a critical component of our design, as we incorporated the U shape into the hotel and the guest rooms, serving as a logo and a distinguishing feature that sets us apart from other hotels. Furthermore, the U shape represents the history and future technology development of the 460 King Street building.

Floor Plan






Using Format