Lucia Kinghorn Toronto Office

Designed By:  Ratiba Aanoosh, Patrick Ryding, Ann Xu

Client & Site

In this project our imaginary client is Lucia Kinghorn. WE try to create 115 McCaul St as the office to her personal brand. She is a graphic designer with a knack for combining graphics and drawing. Worked at top fashion industry lines. Lucia Kinghorn is her personal brand where she takes on a funky and strange style to silks. We tried to use her favorite mushroom as the design concept.

Lucia Kinghorn's work

Mushrooms have always mesmerized me; their pleated textures, graceful shapes and muted tints. These photos are from a series that highlights their translucent and elegant properties. - Lucia Kinghorn

Conceptual Model

Brand Collage

Mood Boards And Collages

Concept Statement

As Kinghorn is expanding her small business she want to create a local and inspiring work space for her employees. She wants this office space to focus on both the design and business aspects of her brand. The intent of the interior redesign is to showcase and maximize the visibility of Kinghorn’s rich and playful use of patterns, lights, colours and materials. Using this palette throughout the interior space will both inspire designers working in the office, as well as to draw attention into the visible space from the public exterior.


This is our office mood board which start to put other our vision and some of the furniture pieces and the mushroom columns



Design Detail



Using Format